
ASTM International

ASTM 為American Society for Testing and Materials ﹐之字首縮寫﹐美國測試與材料協會。目前已經是國際組織﹐所以末尾加了International﹐目前會員來自百來國家約3萬會員﹐200員工。

網站: http://www.astm.org

The American Society for Testing and Materials (known better as ASTM International) is a not-for-profit standards organization focused on developing voluntary codes and regulations for technical materials, products, systems, and services. Established in 1898 to set standards for railroad steel, the organization also works in such areas as petroleum, medical devices, consumer products, and environmental assessment.
ASTM International publishes its technical specifications in the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, a more than 70-volume set. 這套的簡介在JSA的代賣處有簡介。

