
NIST(National Instute of Standards and Technology

美國國家標準與技術局(NIST) --它是美國商業部(Department of Commerce)的一個法定機構,也是美國國家標準機構(American National Standards Institute, ANSI)的一員。其任務為「以國家利益為主,和產業界在技術、量測和標準等領域上共同發展和應用」。(with the mission of working with industry to develop and apply technology, measurements, and standards in the national interest.)

1901-88年名稱為the National Bureau of Standards.

It conducts four major programs: the Measurements and Standards Laboratories, a number of highly technical research facilities in such fields as electronics, chemical science and technology, physics, and information technology; the Advanced Technology Program, which explores not-yet-possible technologies; the Manufacturing Extension Partnership, a nationwide network which offers technical assistance to small businesses; and the Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award, an award given for excellence in business performance in either manufacturing, service, or small business.【這項「品質獎」已委託ASQ負責處理】


